Real men don't cry, their tears are caused by the wind...
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A film by Masha Novikova

Through the remarkable story of three old friends 'Three Comrades' sketches how the downfall of the Soviet Union, Chechnya's struggle for independence and protracted war have affected people's lives and have lead to many deaths. The three friends were at the same school together in Grozny, they talked about music and the future, they had no real worries.

Ruslan Chamchoyev was the first of the three comrades to die. In 1995 Ruslan was arrested for no reason by Russian soldiers in the streets and led away. His widow Aminat is now living in Ingushetia with their 12-year-old son.

Ramzan Mezhidov started a career in television. When the city was bombed for the first time, on New Year's Eve 1995, he hid in an empty house and from a window he filmed the destruction of the city, the Russian tanks rolling in. He worked as a cameraman for Grozny TV, as free-lancer for Russian and Germany-TV, up to the last day, when he was killed holding his camera, by a Russian grenade. Hundred of hours of unedited material showing a city that no longer exists and leaders who are no longer alive - these are still in the possession of his widow Liza, who lives with their two daughters in a flat in a town near Moscow.

Islam Bashirov became a doctor. He worked in hospital where they brought in many wounded people, with a lot of children among them. He treated both Russian soldiers and Chechen warriors, who were later to be called 'bandits'. Because of the later he was arrested during his stay in Moscow in 1999. When he was released from the jail, for lack of evidence, he and his family left the country. They are currently living in Holland. He has survived his best friends, who didn't even make it to their 30th birthdays. He has also survived the total destruction of his city. The only thing that is left for him are his memories, photographs and images from the past.

2. Special Mention Prize, the 4th edition of the Planete Doc Review, World Feature Documentaries Film Festival, Warzhawa, Poland - mei 2007 - for a deeply touching personal and emotional story about loss and the horror of war.
3. "PREMIO AMNESTY ITALIA 2007, CINEMA E DIRITTI UMANI, 43a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema". Pesaro, Italie - juni 2007
4. GRAND PRIZE of Ismailia International Festival for documentary and Short Films. (The Golden Trophy) Egypte - september 2007
5. PRIZE RTP 2 INVESTIGATIONS for best investigation documentary the acquisitions of exhibition rights for RTP's channel 2, Lissabon, Portugal - oktober 2007, DocLisboa
6. Special Mention Prize, MARFICI (International Independent Film festival of Mar del Plata, Argentinie).

Premiere: Amnesty IFF 2007– gekozen als 1 van 5 beste films en werd vertoont in de bio's in NL

Amnesty Film Festival Amsterdam maart 2006
Locarno Film Festival, augustus 2006
Feminale, Köln, Dortmund, 2006
Seminci,Valladolid International Film Festival, 2006.
Mujeres en Dirección, Cuenca, Spain, 2006
Dok Leipzig , 2006
Dokfest München 2007
Crossing Europe, Linz, 2007
Planet Doc , Warchaw, Poland
43a Mostra Internazionale del Nueva Cinema, Pesaro, Italy. 2007
Ismalia International Film Festival, Egypte, 2007
DocLisboa, Portugal , 2007
One World, Prague, 2007
Aye, Aye Film Festival, France, 2007.
New Port Beach FF, USA, 2007
Sundance FF, 2007
Cleveland International Film Festival, 2007
É Tudo Verdade, Rio de Janeiro /Sau Paolo (Brasilia), 2007
Pärnu International Documentary FF, 2007
Chicago International Documentary FF, 2007
Rooftop Films, New York, USA, 2007
International Independent Film Festival of Mar del Plata, Argentina 2007
Milano Film Festival, 2007
Sydney Film Festival, 2007
ZagrebDox FF, Croatia, 2007
Leeds FF, England, 2007
Amnesty International FF, Canada, 2007
Kosmorama, Trondheim International FF, Norwegen, 2007.
Oslo International FF, 2007
Document 5, Scotland
SguardiAltrove FF, Italy, 2007
Bergen FF, Norway, 2007
Festival Caucasus Film, Sacharov Centre, Moskow, 2007